
Thursday, September 14, 2017

The reason to allow all our feelings

While we are experiencing this dualistic life, there is always two different views for each feeling.
We are using the opposites and usually the other one is not preferred.

If it feels good we accept it, but if it feels bad and painful we reject it.
This happens because we have labelled all feelings and given value to them.
The common belief system has adapted a belief which is a feeling of a good person and which not.
Those who are suffering or not in good mood, we call negative people. Those who are joyful and seemingly happy, we call loving and good people.

This couldn´t be further from truth. People might feel very deep bad emotions and be more loving ones than those who smile and pretend to be kind and loving. The ego uses the ones is known to be accepted from others. While travelling towards the truth realization, we will most definitely be forced to face all the unpleasant fearful thoughts and emotions. While doing it, it will be hard to keep an all approving smile on a face. Actually this is not even desirable. Honesty is most important and it includes real feelings as they come. To face them all and investigate why they appear. What triggers them up.

So we categorize feelings as positive ones and negative ones.
But in this life experience all feelings are necessary. They are our navigation system.
In our inner world and in the outer world. The feelings indicates the qualities of the energies we confront.
Either arising from within as a results of our thinking habits or something we come across from the outside world. In reality there is no inside or outside, but from the body perspective we can express it like this.

So all feelings are equal. They carry a message. Either a message that our thinking and believing is not aligned correctly with the natural awareness, or they gives us information what is happening around us.
By learning to read energies the feelings are the first indicators to tell what is going on. So appreciate all of them, even the worst ones. They are the keys to your freedom. Experience them as full and let them tell their story about what is hidden beneath.

Today it is very popular to raise highly to the pedestal positive thinking, joy and love.
People try to follow these advices no matter what. If they don´t feel like it, they pretend.
It is energetically very heavy to keep this pretending on. There is the risk that someone might notice and then I would not be accepted any longer. Or so we believe. But in real, the pretending is much harder to face from others than honest face with the feeling that is going on at the moment.
We don´t need to pour it onto others, but we can tell that I am not feeling very joyful right now.
Then others will understand. When pretending something else, the real energetic information comes through and it feels annoying and confusing. Something is not matching.

Only reason for the pretending is fear. Fear not to be accepted as we are. We have to change these beliefs.
It has been studied already, that those who deny the negative emotions, gets ill easier. And overall the quality of life improves for those, who accept also the unpleasant feelings without trying to push them away. Pushing away is resisting and what you resist that gets stronger. It also causes a lot of stress and we all know what that does to our body.

So free yourself from beliefs that spiritual person is always happy, loving, soft and joyfull. That is a nice fairy tale, but has nothing to do with the reality. Everything is spiritual so nothing will change that. Not good or bad emotions. But do recognize the ego part of your thinking and solve that out. Then the unpleasant feelings starts to diminish and the natural love, joy and peace will have space to step out.

The advice is. Allow and surrender to all feelings without resisting them and let them tell their story and then leave. Don’t judge any of them, they appear for a reason.

Forget about the rules of being spiritual and become free instead.

Love is there with the bright light waiting <3

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The virus in our mind

There is a lot of work to be done after discovering the core of the virus called “I, me, self”.
A computer is a perfect operating system to compare the mind with.

There is the machine -> our body. Then there is the main intelligence handling data -> our brain.
There is installed the main operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac Os…).
All fine so far. The natural state of human operation is on it´s place.

But then. We start to use the programs. We install more programs. We rely on what they provide and keep on using them. But in the very beginning a virus has found it´s way into the operating system. It is very clever and wise virus. It has it´s own intelligence and it works very carefully.

All seems operating just fine. We give commands and get results. We don´t suspect anything to be wrong. It looks very well running. But it isn´t. The virus called ego has spread all over the system (mind). It looks so normal that we cannot recognize it or how it operates. It is so fully spread that we have no idea how the system would work without it.

But there is a way. It won´t be a quick one and not painless one. It will require full honesty for oneself and full willingness to question every opinion we have, every reaction we face and every emotion combined with the story of what it means. And this all has to be done inside. There will not be anyone else to point finger at. No one to cause me the feelings, reactions or situations. There is no place to be a victim under no circumstances.

The virus is cleaver. It hides itself very cleverly. When you recognized one mechanism, it creates a new one to serve itself. There are some red threads to follow though. Some mechanisms that works on every situation. On these you should pay attention to.

- When someone touches a sensitive place in you where the ego don´t want you to look, it will project that thing on to someone else. Ego needs always someone to blame. It can be myself or someone else. But it will never give up without pointing the guilty one first. It can be a person, circumstance or about anything.
This also means that there is believes and qualities in our personality that we can´t accept.
Ego rules by fear and want´s to hide all that seems to be something others would not accept in us.

- Other thing ego-mind does is making layers of feelings to cover up. It kind of misleads us to be sure we don´t figure out the real core reasons and it´s ways to rule. It gives us emotions that seems harmless but annoying, but not annoying enough that we would dig deeper. For example “irritated feeling”. We get irritation out of many situations, but we leave it there. I am irritated and believe the reasons for it by what the thinking provides as explanation. So we just accept it as a part of life and go on until the next situation.
Normally it is again someone else´s fault.
An example: Someone says or do something I don´t like. I get irritated. I start to complain and blame the person or the doing to be wrong. But I missed already the point. It is never what has been said or done,
it is always about how I feel and think about it. I need to ask why I feel this way? Why is this particular thing bothering me? What emotion is the irritation hiding. Forget about who did and what. Important only is how it made me feel and why. The answer is inside. There is some uncertainty or something getting an activation hit and you try to hide it. The answer is to dig and see what it is.

- The third thing ego does, is that it will try to find a way to justify it´s thoughts or doings by masking everything look like some good will and good person sincere act. It will create a story about it so you can proceed with good faith that you are doing the right thing. This is the hard part. You start to believe it yourself so you can´t see the ulterior motive behind the whole thing. This is why the extremely honesty for yourself is needed. If you do or say something with any kind of exchange on your mind, you are already fooling yourself. Life is about unselfish giving and if you have expectations waiting that you might be excepted since you say or do this so called good act, you are again not sincere.

The physical so called normal thinking does not work on this. Everything is the opposite than ego claims.
What seems to be out there, is in here. We have learned wrong explanations for everything and now we must correct them by exploring the virus that the ego has provided us. It won´t be easy, but wort it in the end.

Every situation and person is here to serve us, no matter how it looks at first and how it feels.
My whole life rewritten itself when I learned this. All the quilt I had been carrying with me and all the thousands of situations where I had been a victim turned around and I felt gratitude for those people giving me those lessons. I found an angle to look how everything had been serving me so that I can recognize my wrong beliefs of myself. People cheated on me because they tried to show how little I valued myself. I had a strong unknown believe that I was worth nothing. And yes, all life proved me right.
Things started to change when I understood this and started to dig and unfold it.
I started to run in situations where someone might have displayed unpleasant behavior less and less. And finally it stopped totally. Even those people doing it before, become nice and completely different.

Life proves everything. The more you run into situations where you feel mistreated, you need to turn inside and ask why am I facing this? What beliefs and thought patterns are still hidden and needs to be discovered.

Life is a huge hall of mirrors through what we can truly see ourselves. All the pieces and angles we would miss, by looking only at our small individual body. So if you really want to make change in your life, look at everything like it was happening in you, not for you. To become liberated is a nasty game and it requires a lot of ower coming of ego based opinions where the I would gladly like to hang on with it´s teeths and nails. It is to eat humble pie every time we feel just the opposite. There is no one else there.
We are all one so what can we blame and what would have an idea to blame in the first place.

Dive through the separation creating shit and you become free. Then the nasty feelings don´t bother you any longer and you find peace.

First the dirty work and then rest. Liberate yourself from the illusion.

With love <3