
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wisdom is found from darkness

What we fear is darkness. We think that darkness is negative. We avoid it all possible ways we can.
But darkness is completely misunderstood. We are the darkness as well as the light.
Avoiding darkness we choose only the surface and a small part, of being a human. Without darkness, we are not whole. Without darkness, we see and understand very little. It is not life, it is running from it. The day doesn´t avoide the night.

All humans has created a character, a “me” with its beliefs. What is acceptable and what should be hidden from ourselves and others. This is the way we live and that we call life. But it is not that.
It is more – not living at all. It is pretending life, without knowing what living really is. It is a small piece of experience of life and sadly, the imagined peace.

There is people who face the darkness within, but they are called mentally ill, crazy or some other way not normal. All the rest tries to fix this problem for them. They should be alike, since normal is this that we experience. But what if it is just the opposite? What if we are so far from normal human experience, that what we call normal, is actually very deeply believed malfunction of human mind?
A virus in the program, we don´t recognize any longer.
Truth is that every single person needs to go through their own darkness inside, to be able to see the real light. In the darkness we can really feel. We feel absolutely everything existing in human experience.
All fears, demons, the program mistakes we have been hiding, sorrow, pain and the list goes on.
By facing all this and really experiencing them, we get wisdom instead of imagined thinking.
In the depths of darkness, rests peace and wisdom of the whole, waiting to be found.
Beneath the darkness waits the real light that cannot be seen from the surface with the physical eyes and learned thinking.

It changes everything. It changes the view of existence and brings knowledge we cannot even imagine without experiencing it. It is the source of life, like the night gives us a break from constant observing and action. The inner darkness gives also us a break from constant performing and running around.
It forces us to stop and face to see what there is. It brings us in face to face with everything we try to escape and deny.

Yes, it is extremely rough and painful. It is the very reason why we run away from all that. No one want´s to suffer of feel pain. Yet there is no escape. Sooner or later we have to face it. Not by our own will (don´t exist anyways), but we are taken there if we are intended to grow in consciousness.
And those who are on this path of changing the human consciousness closer to what it should be, are called crazy or mentally ill. Only because the majority cannot understand. That is what I could call madness.

People trust in their thoughts created by others and build their lives based on beliefs.
And never questioned is it really true. How mad is that?
So called head created intelligence, has become more valued than life itself. We think we are smart based on believes and knowledge learned from others. But wisdom is not smartness. It is much deeper understanding of the whole. It is not believing, it is knowing.

There is many glad acting people out there showing happy faces and telling happy stories without knowing that none of that is true. I have heard many claiming, that they don´t have any darkness in them. It only means that they have never looked. We ALL have all of it. There is very much darkness in every human being. If you want to gain wisdom and become whole, find and allow it. Welcome it as equally as joy and all those pleasant feelings. It is there waiting and getting stronger the further you pull the meeting with it. It won´t kill you, it will set you free. Really free from all the pretending happy that eats up all of your energy. It is the path through, from the fairytale to the reality. It is a rebirth from fake to real.

All these words don´t mean anything to you, before you experience what I am talking about. But maybe one day, when you face it, you will remember that you don´t need to worry. It is part of the process in waking up from the dream state of a human mind. As long as this hasn´t happen, please don´t give advices to those who are going through it. Those advices, no matter how good intention they carry, will make situation only worse. What you can give, is acceptance. You don´t need to understand, but don´t judge based on your own lack of understanding. The journey through darkness will peel of the core belief of the separateness, that keeps this illusion going. When getting through, there will be no “I” left and others will see what freedom really means.

Support and don´t judge what you don´t understand. Those you condemn because of the lack of understanding are those helping also you, to be able to awake one day. They are doing the dirty work also for you. There is no separation, all is done for all.

This was for all who has so much love and caring, that they are willing to face the darkness nevertheless anyone understands them or not. There is people who know and understand what you are going through and you are not alone. Love you all within the darkness and I feel you <3

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The reason to allow all our feelings

While we are experiencing this dualistic life, there is always two different views for each feeling.
We are using the opposites and usually the other one is not preferred.

If it feels good we accept it, but if it feels bad and painful we reject it.
This happens because we have labelled all feelings and given value to them.
The common belief system has adapted a belief which is a feeling of a good person and which not.
Those who are suffering or not in good mood, we call negative people. Those who are joyful and seemingly happy, we call loving and good people.

This couldn´t be further from truth. People might feel very deep bad emotions and be more loving ones than those who smile and pretend to be kind and loving. The ego uses the ones is known to be accepted from others. While travelling towards the truth realization, we will most definitely be forced to face all the unpleasant fearful thoughts and emotions. While doing it, it will be hard to keep an all approving smile on a face. Actually this is not even desirable. Honesty is most important and it includes real feelings as they come. To face them all and investigate why they appear. What triggers them up.

So we categorize feelings as positive ones and negative ones.
But in this life experience all feelings are necessary. They are our navigation system.
In our inner world and in the outer world. The feelings indicates the qualities of the energies we confront.
Either arising from within as a results of our thinking habits or something we come across from the outside world. In reality there is no inside or outside, but from the body perspective we can express it like this.

So all feelings are equal. They carry a message. Either a message that our thinking and believing is not aligned correctly with the natural awareness, or they gives us information what is happening around us.
By learning to read energies the feelings are the first indicators to tell what is going on. So appreciate all of them, even the worst ones. They are the keys to your freedom. Experience them as full and let them tell their story about what is hidden beneath.

Today it is very popular to raise highly to the pedestal positive thinking, joy and love.
People try to follow these advices no matter what. If they don´t feel like it, they pretend.
It is energetically very heavy to keep this pretending on. There is the risk that someone might notice and then I would not be accepted any longer. Or so we believe. But in real, the pretending is much harder to face from others than honest face with the feeling that is going on at the moment.
We don´t need to pour it onto others, but we can tell that I am not feeling very joyful right now.
Then others will understand. When pretending something else, the real energetic information comes through and it feels annoying and confusing. Something is not matching.

Only reason for the pretending is fear. Fear not to be accepted as we are. We have to change these beliefs.
It has been studied already, that those who deny the negative emotions, gets ill easier. And overall the quality of life improves for those, who accept also the unpleasant feelings without trying to push them away. Pushing away is resisting and what you resist that gets stronger. It also causes a lot of stress and we all know what that does to our body.

So free yourself from beliefs that spiritual person is always happy, loving, soft and joyfull. That is a nice fairy tale, but has nothing to do with the reality. Everything is spiritual so nothing will change that. Not good or bad emotions. But do recognize the ego part of your thinking and solve that out. Then the unpleasant feelings starts to diminish and the natural love, joy and peace will have space to step out.

The advice is. Allow and surrender to all feelings without resisting them and let them tell their story and then leave. Don’t judge any of them, they appear for a reason.

Forget about the rules of being spiritual and become free instead.

Love is there with the bright light waiting <3

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The virus in our mind

There is a lot of work to be done after discovering the core of the virus called “I, me, self”.
A computer is a perfect operating system to compare the mind with.

There is the machine -> our body. Then there is the main intelligence handling data -> our brain.
There is installed the main operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac Os…).
All fine so far. The natural state of human operation is on it´s place.

But then. We start to use the programs. We install more programs. We rely on what they provide and keep on using them. But in the very beginning a virus has found it´s way into the operating system. It is very clever and wise virus. It has it´s own intelligence and it works very carefully.

All seems operating just fine. We give commands and get results. We don´t suspect anything to be wrong. It looks very well running. But it isn´t. The virus called ego has spread all over the system (mind). It looks so normal that we cannot recognize it or how it operates. It is so fully spread that we have no idea how the system would work without it.

But there is a way. It won´t be a quick one and not painless one. It will require full honesty for oneself and full willingness to question every opinion we have, every reaction we face and every emotion combined with the story of what it means. And this all has to be done inside. There will not be anyone else to point finger at. No one to cause me the feelings, reactions or situations. There is no place to be a victim under no circumstances.

The virus is cleaver. It hides itself very cleverly. When you recognized one mechanism, it creates a new one to serve itself. There are some red threads to follow though. Some mechanisms that works on every situation. On these you should pay attention to.

- When someone touches a sensitive place in you where the ego don´t want you to look, it will project that thing on to someone else. Ego needs always someone to blame. It can be myself or someone else. But it will never give up without pointing the guilty one first. It can be a person, circumstance or about anything.
This also means that there is believes and qualities in our personality that we can´t accept.
Ego rules by fear and want´s to hide all that seems to be something others would not accept in us.

- Other thing ego-mind does is making layers of feelings to cover up. It kind of misleads us to be sure we don´t figure out the real core reasons and it´s ways to rule. It gives us emotions that seems harmless but annoying, but not annoying enough that we would dig deeper. For example “irritated feeling”. We get irritation out of many situations, but we leave it there. I am irritated and believe the reasons for it by what the thinking provides as explanation. So we just accept it as a part of life and go on until the next situation.
Normally it is again someone else´s fault.
An example: Someone says or do something I don´t like. I get irritated. I start to complain and blame the person or the doing to be wrong. But I missed already the point. It is never what has been said or done,
it is always about how I feel and think about it. I need to ask why I feel this way? Why is this particular thing bothering me? What emotion is the irritation hiding. Forget about who did and what. Important only is how it made me feel and why. The answer is inside. There is some uncertainty or something getting an activation hit and you try to hide it. The answer is to dig and see what it is.

- The third thing ego does, is that it will try to find a way to justify it´s thoughts or doings by masking everything look like some good will and good person sincere act. It will create a story about it so you can proceed with good faith that you are doing the right thing. This is the hard part. You start to believe it yourself so you can´t see the ulterior motive behind the whole thing. This is why the extremely honesty for yourself is needed. If you do or say something with any kind of exchange on your mind, you are already fooling yourself. Life is about unselfish giving and if you have expectations waiting that you might be excepted since you say or do this so called good act, you are again not sincere.

The physical so called normal thinking does not work on this. Everything is the opposite than ego claims.
What seems to be out there, is in here. We have learned wrong explanations for everything and now we must correct them by exploring the virus that the ego has provided us. It won´t be easy, but wort it in the end.

Every situation and person is here to serve us, no matter how it looks at first and how it feels.
My whole life rewritten itself when I learned this. All the quilt I had been carrying with me and all the thousands of situations where I had been a victim turned around and I felt gratitude for those people giving me those lessons. I found an angle to look how everything had been serving me so that I can recognize my wrong beliefs of myself. People cheated on me because they tried to show how little I valued myself. I had a strong unknown believe that I was worth nothing. And yes, all life proved me right.
Things started to change when I understood this and started to dig and unfold it.
I started to run in situations where someone might have displayed unpleasant behavior less and less. And finally it stopped totally. Even those people doing it before, become nice and completely different.

Life proves everything. The more you run into situations where you feel mistreated, you need to turn inside and ask why am I facing this? What beliefs and thought patterns are still hidden and needs to be discovered.

Life is a huge hall of mirrors through what we can truly see ourselves. All the pieces and angles we would miss, by looking only at our small individual body. So if you really want to make change in your life, look at everything like it was happening in you, not for you. To become liberated is a nasty game and it requires a lot of ower coming of ego based opinions where the I would gladly like to hang on with it´s teeths and nails. It is to eat humble pie every time we feel just the opposite. There is no one else there.
We are all one so what can we blame and what would have an idea to blame in the first place.

Dive through the separation creating shit and you become free. Then the nasty feelings don´t bother you any longer and you find peace.

First the dirty work and then rest. Liberate yourself from the illusion.

With love <3

Sunday, August 27, 2017

What is fear?

We run into fear all the time. We are afraid of all kinds of situations and things.
Fear makes us act in many ways that we would not act without it. It makes us do things we don´t want to.
And it stops us doing what we would like to do. So what is this mysterious fear?

We were not born with fear. There is reflective reactions when a baby feels like falling and they also react to very hard noises, but I would not call these fear. Only instincts to survive.

Nature and animals don´t feel fear. Animals has instincts to stay alive, but it is not fear.
Only humans have fear. Fear is a result of thinking and believing in thoughts.
If we are close to fall from a high place, the emotion gives a signal to react and stay out of trouble.
But these real life threatening situations are quite rare. So where does all the rest of the fears come from?

First of all, fear is a feeling. Feeling has been labelled/given a name called “fear”. Whenever the unpleasant feeling arrives, we call it fear. We have learned it to be that.
So fear is created by mind. We constantly think of possible events and results. We create worst case scenarios in our minds and assume them happening. We have a great imagination, don´t we?
Mind does its job, and provides descriptions in the form of thoughts about everything. It is happening on autopilot. It is so continuing that we are not able to tell the difference from an illusionary thought from what really is.
There was a short period of time when we did not have any thoughts yet. The time before we were been taught any language. There were feelings, but not fear in the way we experience it, after language and meanings to perceptions is learned.

People are afraid of different things, based on what they have learned to be good or bad, safe or threatening. On a physical level this is partly serving, but when the fear is controlling us on the mental level, our lives becomes a prison. The life protecting mechanism has taken over and run on things that are not life threatening. We become afraid of thoughts. How scary is that? We believe our imagined thoughts would have some reality in them, but there is not. Only learned thoughts running through mind.
We try to avoid fear in every way. But in real, we are avoiding to feel the feeling of fear. It is the worst feeling to be felt. By avoiding it, we remain controlled by it.
Fear is the main administrator of the illusion state of human awareness. Fear is the channel how people can be ruled and manipulated. It is happening everywhere. Without fear people are free.
Fear makes us very limited. We have beliefs that we will not be accepted, we will not be loved, we are not good enough. We are afraid of making mistakes, afraid to be freely what we are, afraid to lose our value in the eyes of others.
All this is based on feeling of fear. It shapes our behavior and character to become something that we are not. Fear is hidden deep and mainly we are not aware of its existence at all.
We only feel different kind of unpleasant emotions covering it up, like anger, irritation, hate, aggression, jealousy, blaming, quilt, arrogance to mention some. All these and many more are all based on fear and we would not experience them without the hidden feeling of fear. All the symptom feelings covering fear, are easier to stand than the feeling of fear.
We are afraid of the unknown darkness within ourselves. When it is brought to light, the fear is gone.

This is the reason we are stuck with all this. The symptoms and reactions keeps on happening when some situation triggers the fear. In every situation where this happens is a change and a key to see, what we are covering up and what false believes we still are carrying within us. But this requires understanding of how the mind is projecting everything unpleasant to be out there. We need to turn everything around and investigate our though patterns, believes, assumptions and the ways we describe the meanings of happenings to find out what is going on in our subconscious programming.

The ego-mind is kept alive by fear. The only thing that can give the impression that fear exists, is the belief in the separate “I, me, self”. There is an intelligence of illusion running and it is our own creation. If there weren´t, it would be easy to drop all off. But it is not easy. There is an inner fight between truth and illusion going on strongly all the time. Two wolfs fighting, the good and the bad.
If we don´t become aware of this, there is nothing we can do about it. The illusion is so strong and convincing that most believe it without questioning. It feels like the sound of reason. But it is not, we have only learned that it would be.

The only way to get out of the human suffering and from being on the mercy of emotions, is to get to know what creates them. To learn how mind works and how this energetic experience of physical life works.

There is no coincidence. All is happening within the laws of energetic rules. We can learn to listen to them and learn how to create with them. Life is constant creating and we do it all the time. It is much more pleasant to create from understanding, than from the “dream state” of the mind, when everything is happening by accident. Separation don´t exist, we co-create in this very moment.
I invite everyone to wake up and become aware <3

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Learning in, learning out

The universe is born with you. The first moment you open your eyes for the first time, it is there.
All what is needed you bring with you, when you arrive within the body.
From that moment of the first breath, you start learning how all is working within this energetic, physical experience. From that moment on, everything is learned. The journey begins.

You have this pure perception, no extras.

The senses provides a body experience for you. It is clean, it is new, it is a wonder, it is amazing.
There are colors, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations. Everything appears as it appears.
There even seems to be company. Other colorful shapes making noise, moving around and touching you.
Great, this will not be a lonely journey.

Since you are new here, you start to follow carefully what others do and how they behave.
The urge to learn makes you suck in every single detail of your perception. And you start to learn by copying everything they do, say, feel, impress, deny, prefer, except, condemn. Also all beliefs and thought patterns. You will learn that your body will be called “I, me, self” and you will learn, that everything seems to be belonging to it. It becomes the owner of your life experience and the very core belief for separation to maintain. The programming has started. During first 7 years, the basic programming has been installed.

Thereafter it will be made stronger and additional parts added, based on what you have learned.
Illusion has been created and believing in it mostly done. The raw experience observed before words, has been forgotten and mixed with thinking. Thoughts about what has been observed, becomes the reality while the reality fades somewhere on the background. A difference between what really can be observed, and thinking about it, has become one big sea of separation. The illusion is blended with the reality.

Along the process of learning, we fall in sleep little by little. Believing in thinking lulls us into sleep.
The sleep state becomes our reality and we have no idea that we are dreaming.
We think we are awake, experiencing this life from awake state. We believe we are awake.
But until we stop believing and imagining a dream to be true, we have no escape from it.
The experience of life will pass by, while we are sleeping in it. In a dream, anything can happen. Look at the world and what we do there. What a dream. The only way to stop the craziness is to wake up from the dream.
Do the reality check and see for yourself what is true and what is imagined.
The answer will not be found from the learned thinking, it will be found from experiencing the observed.

One small thought in the past, was taken too seriously and it became truth by us believing in it.
This is why this experience of physical life is told to be created by beliefs, and it is. What you believe in, becomes your reality and experience while inside the dream.
Check again and wake up from the dream of suffering. “Egoland” is ruled by an imagined character, an imagined leader. There is no separate ruler, we just believe in those echoes that sounds like there would be. Stop listening to them and see for yourself. What is and what is not. You are home, you only need to wake up to see that.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

When senses are gone, what remains?

Here is a rehearsal that helped me to realize how everything becomes reality and how easily it´s gone.

Sense play

We use our 5 physical senses to play with.

Sensing and feeling

By these 5 senses, our world seems to take form and exist. That perception we believe to be our reality.

Let´s examine this.

Lay down and relax. Notice all your senses and what they produce.
Be aware of it all for a while.

Now we start cutting.

First close your eyes. In a blink of an eye, the whole surroundings with its shapes disappear.
Now the visual sight of your existence is gone. No more existing. Only black.
If you imagine, that you would never have had your eyes open, would you know about the world and surroundings existing? Are you sure all is still there without opening your eyes.
Now you have 4 more senses proving the reality.

Now we move to the tasting. Imagine that you cannot taste anything. The whole tasting ability is gone.
Damn, there went the delicious tastes of everything. Absolutely the same what to feed the body with.
Though now there might go something that has gone bad and is not healthy for the body.

Time for smelling to disappear. You can´t smell a thing. No odors, nothing.
There went the important tool to enjoy good odors and discover what has gone bad.
All what you can do with your nose is breathing. That can still be sensed.

The existing starts to be quite different at this point. There is only sounds left and sensations with feelings by the body.

Let´s remove hearing. No sounds. Complete silence. No signs of anything or anybody else unless, something touches your body. You are completely alone with your thoughts and feelings.

Now the final hit. The sensation capability of the body is gone. Total num.
This was the last thing that made you think, the body existed. Now it is gone. No proof of it.
You have no idea if there is anything existing in any form. Silence with darkness with thoughts travelling around.

Go deep into each of the steps here and really look and feel, how it would be. If you look very carefully. Despites everything sensed is gone, there is this sensation of awareness.
Something still exists. What is this existing that remains? Some kind of consciousness.
So, there must be something greater than this physical existence, which is not depended of the physical existence.

This way we can see how the whole physical reality is created only by our physical senses. Without them, it disappears. So what is the truth of personal existence? Do you exist as a separate unit? Is there any separation at all?

From that state the body could as well be death, without “me” knowing it.
So the reality is delivered through body, but not by the body. Through body the senses appear and there by the physical world appears. A hologram or projection. When required components are in place, the existence appears and when removed, the existence disappears.

A creator playing game by creating and experiencing the creation through the created.

Fighting against reality

My way, or the way all happens.

We have opinions about everything. That happens without noticing.
We have this “my way or high way” program running beneath on auto pilot.

It can be recognized though, by paying attention.
I can resist or allow.

A simple example.

I am in the room with another person. The person grabs a chair and moves it to a different place.
I watch this happening.

There is two ways to take this:

1. I don´t like it. I don´t want it to be moved elsewhere. I resist what I see. I start to feel irritated.
Thoughts like; who said it can be moved? or, I was not asked if it can be moved, it would have been much better in the old place than there etc…. This all gives me an uncomfortable feeling and steels the natural flow away.

2. I will notice the chair being moved. I will see where it is placed and take a sit on it.
No other thoughts are necessary. It is only a chair, and the view is actually better from the place it is now, than where it was before. All well.

The first example is looking through the ego-mind. It is automatic reaction where the “me” is protected as a center of the universe. The most valuable core of existing.
There might also be thoughts like, “he is doing that on purpose to irritate me”, “he is not respecting my opinions, since he don´t ask me first”. In reality, the other person only moved a chair. He has no idea of what I am thinking about the situation. I thought my thoughts and felt my feelings, not him.
When this is recognized, it gives us great tools to be able to see differently.

No one is doing nothing to me, I am causing my own suffering with my own way of thinking. The habitual way I have learned to think during my life experience.
When everything is looked this way, and the right angle is found, it drops off the blame. We can release the other person from being blamed of something, he did not mean or even know about.
We can notice our own suppositions and realize, they are not based on anything real.
I should only ask myself: Why do I feel this way? What makes me resist?
What is threatened in me? What am I projecting outside, that I have not accepted in me?

This is the way to turn all thinking combined with feelings around 180 degrees.
All is happening right here within. My beliefs, my opinions, my feelings, my work to fix.
When solved, only thoughts, opinions, feelings remains.
Everything else is ego-based “I” structure. Illusion trying to remain itself.

Different points of view remains, but as long as there is an emotional reaction involved, there is something to be recognized and cleaned.