
Sunday, August 27, 2017

What is fear?

We run into fear all the time. We are afraid of all kinds of situations and things.
Fear makes us act in many ways that we would not act without it. It makes us do things we don´t want to.
And it stops us doing what we would like to do. So what is this mysterious fear?

We were not born with fear. There is reflective reactions when a baby feels like falling and they also react to very hard noises, but I would not call these fear. Only instincts to survive.

Nature and animals don´t feel fear. Animals has instincts to stay alive, but it is not fear.
Only humans have fear. Fear is a result of thinking and believing in thoughts.
If we are close to fall from a high place, the emotion gives a signal to react and stay out of trouble.
But these real life threatening situations are quite rare. So where does all the rest of the fears come from?

First of all, fear is a feeling. Feeling has been labelled/given a name called “fear”. Whenever the unpleasant feeling arrives, we call it fear. We have learned it to be that.
So fear is created by mind. We constantly think of possible events and results. We create worst case scenarios in our minds and assume them happening. We have a great imagination, don´t we?
Mind does its job, and provides descriptions in the form of thoughts about everything. It is happening on autopilot. It is so continuing that we are not able to tell the difference from an illusionary thought from what really is.
There was a short period of time when we did not have any thoughts yet. The time before we were been taught any language. There were feelings, but not fear in the way we experience it, after language and meanings to perceptions is learned.

People are afraid of different things, based on what they have learned to be good or bad, safe or threatening. On a physical level this is partly serving, but when the fear is controlling us on the mental level, our lives becomes a prison. The life protecting mechanism has taken over and run on things that are not life threatening. We become afraid of thoughts. How scary is that? We believe our imagined thoughts would have some reality in them, but there is not. Only learned thoughts running through mind.
We try to avoid fear in every way. But in real, we are avoiding to feel the feeling of fear. It is the worst feeling to be felt. By avoiding it, we remain controlled by it.
Fear is the main administrator of the illusion state of human awareness. Fear is the channel how people can be ruled and manipulated. It is happening everywhere. Without fear people are free.
Fear makes us very limited. We have beliefs that we will not be accepted, we will not be loved, we are not good enough. We are afraid of making mistakes, afraid to be freely what we are, afraid to lose our value in the eyes of others.
All this is based on feeling of fear. It shapes our behavior and character to become something that we are not. Fear is hidden deep and mainly we are not aware of its existence at all.
We only feel different kind of unpleasant emotions covering it up, like anger, irritation, hate, aggression, jealousy, blaming, quilt, arrogance to mention some. All these and many more are all based on fear and we would not experience them without the hidden feeling of fear. All the symptom feelings covering fear, are easier to stand than the feeling of fear.
We are afraid of the unknown darkness within ourselves. When it is brought to light, the fear is gone.

This is the reason we are stuck with all this. The symptoms and reactions keeps on happening when some situation triggers the fear. In every situation where this happens is a change and a key to see, what we are covering up and what false believes we still are carrying within us. But this requires understanding of how the mind is projecting everything unpleasant to be out there. We need to turn everything around and investigate our though patterns, believes, assumptions and the ways we describe the meanings of happenings to find out what is going on in our subconscious programming.

The ego-mind is kept alive by fear. The only thing that can give the impression that fear exists, is the belief in the separate “I, me, self”. There is an intelligence of illusion running and it is our own creation. If there weren´t, it would be easy to drop all off. But it is not easy. There is an inner fight between truth and illusion going on strongly all the time. Two wolfs fighting, the good and the bad.
If we don´t become aware of this, there is nothing we can do about it. The illusion is so strong and convincing that most believe it without questioning. It feels like the sound of reason. But it is not, we have only learned that it would be.

The only way to get out of the human suffering and from being on the mercy of emotions, is to get to know what creates them. To learn how mind works and how this energetic experience of physical life works.

There is no coincidence. All is happening within the laws of energetic rules. We can learn to listen to them and learn how to create with them. Life is constant creating and we do it all the time. It is much more pleasant to create from understanding, than from the “dream state” of the mind, when everything is happening by accident. Separation don´t exist, we co-create in this very moment.
I invite everyone to wake up and become aware <3

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